Satoshi wallpaper and the beast in Pokemon Hitskin_logo

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منتدى الحاسب والجوال العربي
منتدى الحاسب والجوال العربي
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Satoshi wallpaper and the beast in Pokemon



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Satoshi wallpaper and the beast in Pokemon Emptyالبلد البلد : Satoshi wallpaper and the beast in Pokemon Ps10
الجنس : انثى
عدد المساهمات : 1
نقاط : 3
مخالفات مخالفات : ليس لديه مخالفات
In Pokemon we always see images of Satoshi. Along watching this guy image through the [url=]hd pokemon wallpapers[/url]  . Traveled in unions, recruit and train Pokemon. Satoshi set off for his Pokemon journey at the age of ten. His father was never introduced and anime shows Satoshi father was once a Pokemon trainer began his journey in the town of Masara but there is no evidence to suggest that he is still alive … Satoshi was an only child, on the 10th birthday - also the day he started his journey, he came to the laboratory of Professor Okido too late should no longer Pokemon for you choose. But he did not give up and before insistence of Satoshi, Professor Okido gave his first yellow rat - Pikachu. Although the first meeting not good but in the end Satoshi and Pikachu also became close friends. Then he was on the road traveling. His father was never introduced, Anime says Satoshi father was once a Pokemon trainer and started his journey in Pallet Town, but it is unclear where he is living. Satoshi especially likely to use Aura capacity. Okido awarded his doctorate on the day when getting up late Satoshi pokemon's first journey to becoming coach. Is the first Pokemon, as well as Satoshi companion throughout the journey. Pikachu does not like being locked into its sphere should pokeball always outside and sit on the shoulders Satoshi. Pokemon is attach and in the company with the most Satoshi .. It did not like being locked in a ball of Pokemon. Keromatsu (water system): the first pokemon Satoshi at the Kalos. As one of the three starting Pokemon Kalos, which is used to give to the new Pokemon trainer. It does not listen to the prior training and research laboratories are return, then it decides to follow Satoshi. Mijumaru: win in episode 3 Pokemon 663.- As the beginning of the Isshu, used to donate to the new Pokemon trainer, however it has voluntarily follow Satoshi. Pokabu: Recruit in episode 664. It was the old coach house abandoned and become wild Pokemon, and has voluntarily follow Satoshi after he rescued it. Tsutarja, with great speed and dexterity in tactics, it obviously became one of the all of the Satoshi evil master. Pokemon is a high-class females. Because it has abandoned his former coach, saying he was incompetent, it was subject to Satoshi recruit after witnessing feelings for Satoshi your Pokemon. With the [url=]3d wallpaper[/url]of the characters in pokemon will be attractive wallpaper for your computer. Here we give you [url=]Batman wallpaper[/url]being young love.

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#1 - كتب 28/5/2016, 10:40

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